Thursday, January 28, 2010
Something unusual that happened that day
I am finally reaching my last post for the english blog creating assignment which stand 50% of CA1. Back to the subject, i think something unusual that happened some time ago would be finding both the lifts at my house not being able to operate effectively. Lifts are apparatus for people to travel to their apartments on different levels at ease. As a resident living on the 13th floor, taking the lift has became a daily routine for me to travel to the ground floor using the lift and then afterward to my destination.
But on a hot and sunny day, i returned with my heavy bag over my back feeling tired and exhausted. But what greeted me and shocked me was the words " Under maintenance " shown on the displays of the both lifts in my block. I was thinking, "O.M.G., why must such a thing happen now?!" With mountains of homework that had to be done i pulled up my socks and climbed 26 flights of stairs. Although i took me quite some time to reach my house, i manage to complete my homework given to me.
Sometime in life such unusual things just happen without warning and you have to face it. The time is late, shall blog another day or never ever will i blog again. Bye!
7:04 PM
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
A problem you encountered and how you solved or managed itA problem i encountered and how i solved or managed it? Well, i think that will be having lots of homework given by teachers at the same time resulting in a whole stack of assignments in front of me. Even now i am still struggling with my homework and blogging now is also considered one of the assignments i have to complete.
I agree that having homework is essential for our education but too much homework is a different case. Having too much homework will make students very stress and resulting of cases where by students commit suicide.
Sometimes in life we may make the wrong decision choosing the easy way out. Back to the topic. Here is the schedule of he homework received on a typical day.
- Math workbook worksheet 4 -----> 15mins
- Math exercise -----> 1 hour
- Chinese workbook -----> 40mins
- Chinese spelling -------> 1 hour
- English blogging -----> 1 hour
I will take more than 3 hours to complete my homework. An average day we are dismissed at 3.25 p.m. and i will reach home at 5. After finishing all the homework i have barely enough time to sleep. Sometimes i really wonder if the teachers have taken into consideration about the homework given. About how i solved the problem... Isn't it quite obvious, i will have to stay up and finish the homework given. Have other homework to do... can't blog anymore. Bye !
7:04 PM
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Something that took place in school
Today, 26th jan 2010, we had our Sec 1 R.S.P. (regional studies program) orientation. But i felt disappointed in the sec1s. Well, i must admit that we sec2s did not prepare much on our part but at least we tried our best to put up such an activity for them. But, they don't seem to appreciate the things that we did. They were split into 6 groups to try out the different activities we had. E.g. traditional games and spices. Then the different groups went to their respective location given in the form of a clue. Apparently some of them could not understand and compromise the simple instruction given to them.
I think the whole event ended out as a failure. First, i proceed with my group to play scrabble. They were needed to form ten Bahasa Indonesia words and write it down. But the sec1s ended up forming words like (Ibu tidak ada dua bola) which means (mother don't have two balls). I was like "L.O.L". Next they were given clue to the parade square. We were supposed to play sepak takraw but we ended up playing soccer. After that i went back to RSP room and found that the activity has ended.
"Whew" i sighed, but after the sec1s were dismissed, Mr Leo talked to us and we realised our lack of preparations of this activity and resulting it in becoming a failure. But we learned our lesson and will make sure there is enough preparations for the other stuff that we will me organising . Bye Bye.
6:42 PM
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Hi! Just created my blog... erm... added a few widgets like the clock and the tracker...
*NOTE: This is not an entry for the english blog assignment.
5:18 PM